Forest Dental Care’s “Dental Sedation” offers you a stress-free dental experience by keeping you comfortable during procedures involving “Dental Sedation”. This approach to keeping dental anxiety under control or prolonged dental treatments at bay.
Understanding Dental Sedation:
Dental sedation provides you with a peaceful and soothing atmosphere during dental procedures. This moderate level of sedation allows you to remain carefree despite technically still being awake; sometimes known as conscious sedation dentistry due to inducing short-term forgetfulness that helps minimise discomfort without losing consciousness.
Who Can Benefit From Dental Sedation:
People of All Ages (Including Children ) can find dental sedation beneficial, including children. It may especially assist those experiencing dental anxiety, needle phobia or extreme tooth sensitivity as well as those who possess an overactive gag reflex or who experience difficulty opening their jaw for dental procedures. Furthermore, dental sedation may even prove advantageous for individuals with special needs.
Forest Dental Care Offers Different Kinds of Sedation Methods:
Our customized approach to dental sedation includes various forms, from nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation, to intravenous (IV) sedation.
Nitrous Oxide: Also commonly referred to as laughing gas, inhaling nitrous oxide through a mask or nosepiece provides immediate calming effects within minutes. Oral Conscious Sedation: With oral conscious sedation medication is taken orally approximately an hour prior to beginning your procedure.
IV Sedation: IV Sedation is the ultimate form of conscious sedation, administering medications directly into your bloodstream through an IV line.
Benefits of Dental Sedation:
Dental sedation can help relieve anxieties and phobias during dental procedures, helping you remain calm and relaxed throughout. Sedation often allows dentists to work faster when patients are sedated allowing less appointments overall to take place.
Prep and Aftercare:
Before receiving dental sedation at Forest Dental Care, our team will conduct an in-depth dental assessment, discuss your medical history and any medications taken, then administer local anesthetic to numb your gums during your procedure (this usually happens once you feel relaxed from sedatives).
Forest Dental Care’s team is available for more details or advice regarding Dental Sedation at 0208 521-3777/55033. We would welcome the chance to provide more insight! For assistance call today.
Forest Dental Care wants to take the stress and anxiety out of dental visits! With expert Dental Sedation services available at Forest Dental Care, you’ll experience an easy, relaxed dental visit experience!